East African Solutions save you time and money to eliminate the many common mistakes made by businesses and organisations entering into, operating in or doing business the region. We currently have a record of achieving around a 20-fold RoI for our clients.  

Our multi-disciplinary approach to businesses challenges and vast network of trusted experts in their respective fields in the region mean we can strategically solve a wide array of business challenges and improve outcomes for as wide a range of stakeholders as possible whilst unlocking investments, partnerships and supply chains; reducing complexity and risk; implementing robust processes and systems; while improving ESG outcomes, negotiation outcomes and productivity  and achieving organisational excllence which will ultimately improve your business’s profitability.



East African Solutions will save you time and money by boosting the efficiency and effectiveness of your programming in your area of intervention.

Our work ensures your organisation is best positioned to deliver your mission and vision at any project stage, providing a holistic view and where activities can be translated into greater sustainability.

Through our networks, we can you to identify key strategic technical and financial partners who can help drive your organisation to the next level of impact; unlocking opportunities and key partnerships; reducing complexity and risk; while improving ESG outcomes, implementing robust processes and systems and negotiation outcomes and productivity which will ultimately help your NGO to achieve is goals and objectives more rapidly and effectively.




Whether foreign or local government organisations, our work, research, media monitoring of both mainstream and social media and regular communication with a wide variety of stakeholders can provide a number of beneficial insights with regards to policy formulation in or with countries in East Africa.

By being in constant dialogue with various stakeholders in or with an interest in business in the region, we are well placed to provide economic and political risk outlook for our focus countries and advise on foreign policy towards these countries.

For local governments in the region, we can help highlight business and economic opportunities, advise on investor perception and provide input in to policy formulation and reform in areas connected to trade and the economy.

Our work and ideas have already impacted government policy in many of our core focus countries.